In his debut single, “Empty Home,” Sam T introduces listeners to his unique brand of melancholic folk music, weaving a narrative that is both deeply personal...
Jake Exavier has done it again with his latest single, ‘Voodoo’. This rising R&B star invites listeners into an enchanting soundscape where smooth vocals meet haunting...
Find the latest new music in our ‘Top 5’ weekly music round-up here at We Speak Media. In this weekly feature, we will be bringing you...
Emerging from Dublin’s thriving alternative music scene, The Neon Sea bursts onto the stage with their mesmerizing debut single, ‘As I Wonder’. This track heralds a...
Let’s be real—breakups are tough. But they’re a little easier with a killer soundtrack, and bby ivy’s, Closing Chapters, delivers just that. The Norwegian-born, London-based singer-songwriter...
Indira May is an artist who refuses to be boxed in. Her latest release, Imaginary Problems, is a testament to her fearless approach to music-making, blending...
Fitasha’s third album, RUSH, is nothing short of a sonic revolution. With 15 tracks that blend the realms of jazz, hip-hop, R&B, and neo-soul, this record...
Find the latest new music in our ‘Top 5’ weekly music round-up here at We Speak Media. In this weekly feature, we will be bringing you...
Isabelle Gitlin’s latest single, ‘Long & Gone’, is a lush, evocative journey through heartbreak and self-reflection. Building on the success of her debut track, ‘For Tonight’,...
Suki Summer’s latest single, ‘Marianne’, is more than just a song—it’s an emotional journey. Known for her evocative blend of gritty rock and 80s synth, Suki...