In the heart of Bristol’s vibrant music scene emerges Phil Mac, an artist whose journey from adversity to triumph encapsulates the spirit of the city’s influence...
HIGHWAYVES (HWYVES) are from the North West and have honed a sound that races from spacious to suffocating, combining the dark aggression of grunge with dreamlike...
Singer, songwriter, rapper, producer and South London native Jessica Wilde, returns with the second single of her forthcoming album, ‘Feathers’, featuring the soul searing vocals of...
Manchester’s most uplifting cacophonous craftsmen Chew Magna, are ready to unleash their blistering and diverse eponymous debut album. More than just an onslaught of decibel-destroying fuzz,...
Walyalup / Perth, renowned Americana artist, Helen Townsend, is set to enthral music enthusiasts with her latest single, ‘Battlefield,’ the second release from her highly anticipated...
RHEA are living proof rock & roll is alive and well! The Belgian 5-piece still cherish the mighty riff, but on their brand new single ‘Creeping...
Irish band Soda Blonde continues their meteoric rise with the release of their latest single, ‘Boys’ ahead of their highly anticipated Dream Big Tour. A mesmerizing composition that...
Brace yourselves for an enchanting musical journey as Newmoon, the acclaimed shoegaze band from Antwerp, Belgium, unveils their third studio album ‘Temporary Light’, set for release...
It’s never really too late to do what you love, even if the road to that discovery is reached through an uneasy path. American-Chinese artist Allen...
SUPREME UNBEING is an elusive 5-piece metal band shrewd in mystery. Led by vocalist Zac Red, who taps into the depths of the human psyche to...