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Bill Cosby Found Guilty of Sexual Assault After Years of Accusations



The jury in Bill Cosby’s retrial found the TV icon guilty of all three counts of aggravated indecent assault on Thursday for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home in a Philadelphia suburb in 2004.

The 80-year-old comedian faces up to 10 years in prison on each count, but is likely to serve them concurrently. A sentencing hearing has not yet been scheduled, and he remains out on bail.

Cosby did not have an audible reaction to his conviction, but erupted shortly afterward. Minutes after the verdict, prosecutors asked the judge to revoke Cosby’s bail because they say he is a flight risk and has a private plane.

Cosby, who did not testify in the trial and has sat quietly throughout the proceedings, then stood up and yelled in a loud, booming voice: “He doesn’t have a plane, you asshole.”

Judge Steven O’Neill ruled that Cosby should not leave his Pennsylvania home, and that he would need to be fitted with a GPS tracking device.

The case was the first celebrity sexual assault trial since the #MeToo movement began last fall, and as such, represented a test of how the cultural movement translates into a courtroom arena.

We Speak Entertainment

Dream Cinema Productions “Night Mistress” Now Available on Amazon Prime Via Adler Entertainment 



“Night Mistress”, the latest motion picture by Ray Michaels Quiroga’s Dream Cinema Productions in now available for purchase and streaming via Adler Entertainment on Amazon Prime. 

“Night Mistress” is written and directed by Philip Cable with Co-Director Ray Michaels Quiroga, and is based on the best-selling novel of the same name. Get your copy on Amazon today:

Dream Cinema Productions’ “Night Mistress” – They Killed Her Man And She Took Monstrous Revenge….She Wasn’t A Monster…She Was Six Monsters In One!!!!

“Night Mistress” stars Hollywood Icons Brinke Stevens, Tracee Lee Cocco, Sharyn Wynters, Deborah Dutch, Rene Arranda, Ana Paula Lopes, and Ray Michaels Quiroga with guest appearances by Nick Palma and Danielle Kennedy. “Night Mistress” was co-produced by Francisco Roman, Judy Karman and Jimmy Star. 

Ray Michaels Quiroga has an impeccable reputation in the world of Hollywood for working with Hollywood legends in his films, and along with the amazing cast of this film he has worked with Academy Award Winner Terry Moore, Calista Carradine, Pamela Hasselhoff, Sissy Wellman, John Saxon and Carla Laemmle. 

Purchase/stream Dream Cinema Productions “Night Mistress” on Amazon Prime here:

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