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Hollywood Actor Bradley Bowen Shares 10 Ways To Balance Business And Creative Work



Actor and businessman Bradley Bowen is an expert on pursuing your passions and establishing multiple income streams. A karate and jiu-jitsu champion before becoming an actor and producer, he also owns two businesses – Monument Construction Company, and Man Up (a male skincare line). He recently appeared in the TV series ‘The First Lady’, where he played a secret service agent for Betty Ford, portrayed by Michelle Pfeiffer. The ultimate multi-tasker, Bradley has the following advice for people who want to develop a creative passion such as acting alongside a day job:  

How Bradley balances being an actor and an entrepreneur:

1. Find flexible work 

Bradley says: “Some actors opt for day jobs with flexible hours, such as freelancing or part-time work. This allows them to adjust their schedules around auditions, rehearsals and performances.”

2. Manage your time effectively 

“Good time management is crucial. Create detailed schedules, allocating specific time blocks for your day job, acting commitments and personal activities.”

3. Prioritise  

“Knowing which commitments take precedence on any given day will help you allocate your energy and time appropriately.”

4. Communicate 

“Open communication with employers and colleagues is key. Sharing your acting commitments and schedule can help them understand your availability and potential need for flexibility.”

5. Make the most of your breaks 

“Actors often use breaks or lunch hours at work to attend auditions, rehearse lines or work on other acting-related tasks.”

6. Consider remote work 

“If feasible, actors could look for day jobs that offer remote work options, giving them more flexibility to manage their acting pursuits.”

7. Setting boundaries

“Establish clear boundaries between work, acting, and personal life to prevent burnout and ensure a healthy work-life balance.”

8. Maximise your weekends 

“Weekends are often prime time for auditions, classes and performances. Actors might plan their day jobs around these activities. But be aware that balancing two demanding commitments may require sacrifices – actors might need to make choices about social activities or leisure time.”

9. Network

“Build a supportive network within both your acting and your day job spheres, which will help people to understand your commitments, and can even bring potential opportunities.”

11. Look after yourself

“Taking care of your physical and mental wellbeing is essential. Balancing two careers can be stressful, so self-care should not be neglected.”

Photo credit: Kristia Knowles

Bradley’s advice for new entrepreneurs: 

1. Start with a clear vision 

“Define your business goals, values, and mission. Having a clear vision will guide your decisions and keep you focused.”

2. Do your market research 

“Understand your target audience, competitors and industry trends. This will help you identify opportunities and make informed decisions.”

3. Create a solid business plan

“Outline your business structure, products or services, marketing strategy, and financial projections. A well-thought-out plan can attract investors and guide your growth.”

4. Focus on value 

“Ensure that your products or services solve a problem or fulfill a need for your customers. Providing value is essential for customer loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.”

5. Build a strong online presence 

“In today’s digital age, having a website and utilising social media can help you reach a wider audience and establish credibility.”

6. Start small and iterate 

“Begin with a manageable scope and gradually expand. Gather feedback from early customers to refine your offerings.”

7. Keep a close eye on your finances 

“Monitor cash flow, expenses and revenues. This will help you make informed financial decisions.”

8. Be adaptable

“Be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances and market conditions. Flexibility is crucial for surviving and thriving in the business world.”

9. Connect with others

“Networking with other entrepreneurs, mentors and industry professionals can provide valuable insights and opportunities.”

10. Be persistent 

“Entrepreneurship comes with challenges. Stay persistent and resilient, learning from failures and using them to fuel your growth.” 

Featured photo credit: Brent Eite 

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We Speak Business

Empowering Brooklyn: How the Hidden Opportunity Summit is Transforming the Community

Q&A with the Jordan Ayowe, the Visionary Behind the Hidden Opportunity Summit



Q&A with the Jordan Ayowe, the Visionary Behind the Hidden Opportunity Summit

Q1: What was the driving force behind the creation of the Hidden Opportunity Summit, and how does it align with the current needs of the Brooklyn community?

A: The Hidden Opportunity Summit was born out of a deep commitment to community development, empowerment, and financial literacy. In areas like Brownsville, Brooklyn, there is a pressing need for programs that both educate and inspire. The summit was designed to leave actionable insights and resources, addressing specific challenges like financial insecurity, lack of access, and limited opportunities for youth—all while making it a day of fun. By focusing on sports, clean energy, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and community engagement, the summit aligns directly with Brooklyn residents’ needs, empowering them to take control of their financial futures and create lasting change.

Q2: In what ways do you see this summit making a tangible difference in the lives of participants, particularly the youth and families involved in the programs?

A: The summit has been meticulously crafted to make a tangible difference, offering hands-on activities and resources while prioritizing the fun, community-focused aspect of the day. The financial literacy seminar, “The Languages of Money,” equips attendees with essential knowledge on budgeting, investing, and debt management. The involvement of local organizations like the Brooklyn Economic Development Center ensures the summit’s impact extends beyond just the event day. For youth and families, the distribution of 200 backpacks filled with school supplies by Vineyard Offshore ensures students are prepared for success. The day’s activities—basketball, ice cream, DJ music, face painting, and water games—create lasting memories while equipping participants with tools to navigate their financial and professional lives.

Q3: As a leader and advocate, how do you envision the Hidden Opportunity Summit evolving in the coming years? What new directions or strategies are you considering to enhance its impact?

A: I envision the Hidden Opportunity Summit evolving into a cornerstone event for community empowerment, not just in New York but potentially expanding to other underserved communities. Future summits will include more targeted youth programs, mentorship opportunities, and expanded partnerships with local businesses to providing job training and employment opportunities. By continuously adapting and responding to the community’s needs, the summit can enhance its impact year after year.

Q4: We know that community engagement is a cornerstone of events like this. How can local residents, businesses, and organizations get more involved in the summit, and what role do they play in its success?

A: Community engagement is indeed crucial to the summit’s success. Local residents participation includes attending the summit, volunteering, and spreading the word within their networks. Businesses and organizations can contribute by sponsoring the event, hosting workshops, or providing resources and materials, like the backpacks distributed this year. Their involvement is essential—the Hidden Opportunity Summit wouldn’t happen without everyone pulling together for the same cause.

Q5: As we look ahead, what are your long-term goals for the Hidden Opportunity Summit? Are there any plans to expand its reach or introduce new initiatives that will further empower the community?

A: Our long-term goal is to establishing the Hidden Opportunity Summit as a model for community-driven initiatives. We aim to make it an annual staple in New York and other underserved communities. New initiatives will include year-round programs that build on the summit’s themes, a financial literacy curriculum in local schools or a community-based entrepreneurship incubator. These initiatives provides ongoing support to participants, helping them apply what they learn at the summit in their daily lives.

Q6: Can you speak to the impact of having the lineup of prominent speakers and how that came about?

A: The lineup of prominent speakers, including industry leaders and community advocates, played a significant role in the summit’s success. Their expert opinion and insights provided attendees with valuable perspectives on workforce development, business growth, financial empowerment, and more. The range of speakers was a deliberate effort ensuring the discussion was not only informative but also relevant and inspiring to the audience.

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