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We Speak Gospel

Luigi Maclean drops new single ‘Mi Le’ blessing lives today



Ghanaian gospel musician Luigi Maclean has graced the global stage with his new single named “Mi Le,” which was unveiled on October 31, 2023.
This emotionally resonant composition, signifying “I Know” in the GA language, is positioned to serve as a wellspring of motivation and contemplation for those in search of comfort amid life’s trials.

In a world where adversity and hindrances often take center stage, Maclean’s “Mi Le” couldn’t have been timed better. It stands as a moving reminder of the divine blessings lavished upon us, encouraging listeners to take a moment for self-reflection and confession.

“Mi Le” delves into the profound tranquility that the Lord bestows upon us, exquisitely conveyed through the GA term “toinjǝle.” It offers a profound portrayal of the delight that results from embracing the Lord’s goodness. The lyrics elegantly encapsulate the enduring fortitude and grace bestowed by the Lord upon those who entrust their faith in Him.

Luigi Maclean, when discussing the song’s inspiration, articulates, “In a world replete with challenges and diversions, ‘Mi Le’ is an earnest reminder that, no matter the hurdles we confront, the peace and grace of the Lord are ever-present. It’s a summons to gratitude and worship, an affirmation of our profound understanding that we are cherished and cared for.”

Luigi Maclean’s “Mi Le” is currently accessible and is poised to be the anthem of faith and reflection for multitudes. Allow your heart to be moved, your spirit lifted, and your thankfulness resonating with deep recognition – “Mi Le.”

✍ @meghs_media_official

Skbeatz Records is a blogger, filmmaker and actor. He provides you updates and exclusive behind the scenes of your favorite musicians, artistes, artiste management and music lovers in Ghana.

We Speak Gospel

Get To Know Olivier Cheuwa



Olivier Cheuwa

Following the release of his track “Mamalé”, we caught up with the talented artist known for his blend of funk, soul, and gospel sounds.

– What inspired you to write “Mamalé”, and what message do you hope listeners take away from the song?

I was inspired by my own story, growing with my mom, after my dad past away , I wanted to celebrate all the moms , because they are the back bone of each families . Being a dad today, I wanted show in this song particularily in the clip video , how important it is for a kid to a father figure in his life. The message shared is  positivity, love and that , We should cherish life and the people around us . 

– Your music seamlessly blends different influences. Can you tell us a bit about your musical background and how different genres have shaped your sound?

I was influenced by Afrobeat growing up in Africa, my dad love s Fella Kuti , when we moved to Canada I discovered soul , Rn’b , gospel with folk music  , growing up listening to artist like  Steve wonder , Boyz to men , Éric Clapton and singing in a gospel choir had a big influence in my music and shaped it definitely! 

– How does it feel to see your music resonate with listeners around the world, and what do you think sets this track apart from your previous work?

I’m humble and amazed, let’s say that English is not my daily language meaning that I’m surrended by French speaking language, I decided to write in English and that  gave me more possibilities and allow my music to travel to more places that I could have never imagine 

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