Esteemed Asian-American rapper Star2 releases animated video for his new single “Clout Chaser.” The record is the 4th release taken from his forthcoming album ‘Shooting Stars.’...
Scritchmatic and Sino OB replicate Pesci and DeNiro in the short film/video “All Facts,” shot and directed by Cliff Scott Films. The duo spit all facts,...
Pastor JT Maberry releases the official video for his latest single “Chosen.” The Fort Worth, Texas native delivers a compelling blend of lyricism and spirituality for...
Fase 1 holds no punches in his new single/video “Swish.” The San Diego Hip Hop artist delivers a superb blend of swag and tight lyricism and...
Immediately following the buzz of his last single “Plug” featuring Tragedy Khadafi and Big Twins, Omen44 is back with “Culture Pusher.” The single/video features Japan’s BudaMunk,...
Music’s hottest sensation Jay Elle empowers women with a suggestive anthem titled “No Man.” With a captivating blend of sass and class, Jay Elle delivers grown...
BK’s Dris Rip celebrates Hip Hop culture in his new video “Black Designer Fit.” The record is the first release taken from his new album ‘ASÉ.’...
Louisiana Hip Hop duo Undeniably Genuine (UNG) release visuals for “No Weight On Me” single. A soulful backdrop weaved with trap tropes fuel a reminder for...
NYC rapper Yung Esckimo returns with his new single/video “Blue Magic,” the title track for his forthcoming EP. With “Blue Magic,” Esckimo shares his successes, failures,...
LA’s LongLiveCzar announces the release of his self-directed video “Tell Me” with production by Baz. The record is taken from his new album ‘Man On Fife...