In a world where music often serves as the backdrop to our most intimate moments, Ol’ June‘s latest single, “ALONE,” emerges as a beacon of sensuality...
Australia’s Adelina kicked off the spring with her fierce new track, “Guillotine.” It marked her first solo release of the year. The eclectic single borrows sounds...
Fans of Amy Winehouse, Lady Wray, and The Monophonics, rejoice! Alanna Royale is set to release her long-anticipated LP, ‘Trouble Is’, an album that has been...
Step into the electrifying world of Prianca RA as she takes you on a thrilling journey with her latest single, “they think i’m the devil (threats...
Photo by Tom Taylor Prepare to be mesmerized by the evocative melodies and poignant lyricism of Suffolk-based indie-folk singer-songwriter Leon O’Leary as he unveils his latest...
Norwegian rising star Andrea Nord continues to captivate audiences with her latest single, “Monsters”, a powerful testament to resilience and self-discovery. Following the success of her...
The new year is marked by new beginnings, and for Alesandra, that is evident. Singer-songwriter Alesandra kicked off the new year with her debut single, “Deep...
Cornwall’s Archie Ray kicked off the new year on a high note with “End of the Line.” “End of the Line” marks the end of his...
Step into the world of Shelby Morgan, where every note is a testament to resilience, and every melody is a celebration of authenticity. Hailing from the...
On November, 23th 2023, up and coming soul music artist, Ol’ June, releases his fourth single with the warm and welcoming sound of “Perfect Recipe”. On...