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Future’s Instagram Was Deleted of All Post, We Wonder What He Is Cooking Up?



It looks like Future is gearing up for something.

He certainly hinted he is by deleting his Instagram today.

He did the same thing at the beginning of 2017. Less than two months later, he dropped the back-to-back albums Futureand Hndrxx. Later, he capped off his big year off with the Young Thug collab mixtape Super Slimey.

His explained his early 2017 IG break in a Zane Lowe interview.

“It was probably the best thing I ever done,” Future said. “‘Cause […] I don’t have to respond to certain things that’s going on, even in my life. “I wanted to give attention to my music, my kids, my family,” he continued. “Social media can take up a lot of your life. I wanted to be able to give my fans all of me.”

In addition to deleting his IG content, it’s also been a couple of weeks since Future’s put anything on Twitter, suggesting he’s trying to find his musical beast mode, so to speak.

Do you expect big things from Future in 2018?

We Speak Entertainment

Jacob Eaton: The Harmonic Healer



Jacob Eaton journey began in the shadows of adversity, as his mother’s debilitating illness and eventual passing left an indelible mark on his heart. Yet, he refused to let his pain define him. Instead, he channeled his emotions into music, crafting a unique sound that resonates deeply with those who have faced similar trials.

As he navigated the complexities of his father’s rare and untreatable illness, Jacob assumed the role of caregiver, sacrificing his own dreams to ensure his father’s well-being. This selfless act of love and devotion only strengthened his resolve to succeed. Music became his solace, a platform to express the depths of his emotions and connect with others who had faced similar struggles.

Jacob’s music is a masterful blend of raw harmony and heartfelt lyrics, a testament to his unwavering dedication to his craft. With every note, he pours his soul into his art, creating a symphony of hope and resilience that echoes through the chambers of the human heart.

Through his music, Jacob Eaton has created a legacy that transcends generations. His story is a powerful reminder that even in the darkest moments, hope and healing can propel us toward greatness. As he continues to rise, his music remains a shining example of the transformative power of art, inspiring others to find their own voice and share their stories with the world.

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