Slow Pilot’s, Falling off the Earth, is a sonic and emotional masterpiece, capturing the bittersweet complexity of life through eleven thoughtfully crafted tracks. The band’s collaboration...
ASTRA’s single “Pulp Fiction” is a modern love letter to a cult classic that feels like a breath of fresh air, while simultaneously taking listeners back...
The music world has a new name on its lips, and it’s Natasha Bianca. The rising star has burst onto the scene with her highly anticipated...
Get ready to bask in the glow of Jensyn’s new single, Golden, a song that feels like a warm embrace on a chilly Liverpool night. This...
The electro-noise trio YARD is back to thrill fans and newcomers alike with their latest release, ‘Call’. This Dublin-based band has gained a reputation for delivering...
Olivier Cheuwa’s latest single, “All the Glory,” is a powerful reminder of his remarkable ability to merge Afrobeat, neo-soul, and gospel into a style that is...
Kiwiani’s latest release, ‘Close’, is an atmospheric triumph that transports listeners into a beautifully immersive world, striking a delicate balance between intimacy and otherworldliness. From the...
Emerging from the vibrant music scene of London, the girl group HEXX has made a striking entrance with their highly anticipated single “Hoax.” This captivating track...
Find the latest new music in our ‘Top 5’ weekly music round-up here at We Speak Media. In this weekly feature, we will be bringing you...
The relentless drive of Last Grasp’s “Creature of Your Kind” is a refreshing addition to the darkwave and industrial scene. Created by Matthew DeFeis and produced...