Yilly Ruel, the talented Angolan UK-based rapper and songwriter renowned for his unique blend of hip-hop/rap and African percussion rhythms, is captivating audiences with his exhilarating...
Rising artist $$Terick from Providence, Rhode Island, is back with another captivating release that is sure to resonate with listeners everywhere. $$Terick’s latest single, “Miss You”,...
J. Hoard, the multitalented artist hailing from New York City, has once again graced us with his eclectic musicality in his latest single, “Devil Is A...
Miami-born, Atlanta-based artist Matt Cleare has once again captivated listeners with his latest single, “Evelyne!” Following the success of his previous release, “4000!”, this genre-bending musician/producer/songwriter...
Jaja Morph is a rising star on the music scene whose journey as a rapper and music artist began during the 2020 lockdown period. Hailing from...
Enamoured by the songwriting of legends like Mac Miller, Earl Sweatshirt and MF DOOM, and influenced by the boundary-pushing sonics of producers like The Alchemist, Flying...
Cashh Los is a rising rapper from Lake County, Illinois, who is here to make a difference in music. Bursting on the scene last year with...
Green Arthur (Peter Dorrien Traisci) hails from New Fairfield, Connecticut and had a childhood that he still cherishes today. Peter’s parents routinely filled the house with...
C.T (which stands for Contraversial Tekniche) is a rising artist from Leamington Spa, UK, who’s been gaining attention and captivating listeners with his distinctive sound. Since...