In the swirling vortex where sonic innovation meets visual mastery, ROWISIE, the rising quartet known for their rebellious sounds and startling guitars, releases a visually striking...
Meet Tobias Simeon, a young artist hailing from Copenhagen, Denmark with West African roots. He goes by the artist name E.D. (Enfant Divin). His captivating debut...
Gospel Minister Solomon Kweku Johnson, also known as SKJ, is gearing up for another unforgettable “DAVIDIC XPERIENCE” with the upcoming event titled “THE RESERVED ONES,” drawing...
Supporting HRH Prince William’s ambition to end homelessness with the release of two special Christmas songs ‘Christmas Is Coming’ and ‘A Lonely Homeless Christmas’ – with...
Nina Brooks (award-winning) is taking entertainment by storm with the new full-service film production company, Reel Film Media. Well versed at partnering with clients and agencies,...
On November 18, 2023, at the Western Region Bloggers & Ministers Dinner Summit in Takoradi, Gospel Event Promoter Nii Noi unveiled a crucial strategy that Gospel...
R&B and soul singer-songwriter HJ Soul has enthralled listeners all over the world with his soulful voice and thought-provoking lyrics, and now returns with his dreamy...
Elizabeth Blake-Thomas is a film director, author and founder of mental health practice Medicine With Words. Elizabeth, who is British but based in Los Angeles, directed...
Independent singer and radio personality MofoHari announces the release of her new single “Passage” with production by Chuck Platinum. The record is the title track taken...
NYC rapper Yung Esckimo returns with his new single/video “Blue Magic,” the title track for his forthcoming EP. With “Blue Magic,” Esckimo shares his successes, failures,...