The first installment of the new Film/TV Series The Client is complete. It was written by Ny Coulson Waight and directed and produced by Waight Way...
Rising Teen Pop phenomenon Naomi Jane, renowned for her captivating vocals and heartfelt lyrics, continues to captivate audiences with her relatable themes and emotional resonance. With...
“101 (Auditions)” – The gold standard of all music competition series, “American Idol,” will make its highly anticipated return to television as superstar judges Luke Bryan,...
Miss Robbie the matriarch of her family and CEO of the “Sweetie Pie’s” brand credits her family’s reality series for putting “OWN TV” on the map....
OWN’s long-running, NAACP Image Award-winning docu-series “Welcome to Sweetie Pie’s” featuring soul food entrepreneur Miss Robbie Montgomery her son Tim Norman and their exuberant family returns to OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network on OWNSaturday, November...
A new web series chronicling the exploits of two brand influencers and their guests on a road trip through various experiences will launch in November. Co-created...