Anna Silverman is an Israeli-Russian theatre and film actress based in London, who is known for her strong, emotional portrayals of often tragic heroines. She’s played...
The highly anticipated release of the upcoming Barbie movie just got even more exciting, as David Cheung has become the first and only Chinese stuntman to...
Mexican-born Alonso Grandío started acting in 2013 when he moved to Los Angeles. After four years, South Africa was calling – and now Alonso’s career is going...
Look out for actor and producer Johnny Solo in two high-profile TV shows later this year. He will appear alongside Hollywood royalty – Jodie Foster and...
Leonid Andronov, who was born in Russia but now lives in LA, knows the film industry inside out, having worked in almost every role from sound...
‘His Only Son’ depicts one of the more controversial stories from the Old Testament – God commanding Abraham to sacrifice his own son. The feature film...
In 2021, ‘The Serpent’ burst into the indie film world with its secret-agent heroine Lucinda Kavski, described as “a female Jason Bourne meets James Bond”. Written,...
Todd Haberkorn is well known for his acting and voice-acting work in video games, TV series and films. Among credits in ‘Kung Fu Panda’ and ‘Destiny...
“Covid is for a couple of years, Brexit is for life.” So says one of the experts featured in ‘Brexit Through The Non-Political Glass’, a documentary...
Todd Haberkorn is a big deal in the gaming and film world. You’ll have heard his voice-acting work in major TV series such as ‘Kung Fu...