Not even a month since debuting on the scene, Baydream is back with the debut EP, “Cosmos.” Baydream’s debut singles, “The Flame” and “Peasants,” were released...
Music artist Ike Rhein makes his 2023 debut in a major way with his new single, “RUSH,” which features Billboard-charting rapper Zoey Dollaz. “RUSH” may be the first single released by Ike Rhein this...
Up and Coming artist, ANU has a new single out! This Brooklyn raised songstress is leading the charge of individuality in black music. ANU is a...
Bookie. keeps the momentum going and caps off the summer with the release of his debut EP, “ENDLESS.” Bookie. has been on fire with his non-stop...
Singer-songwriter and guitarist Alena Ciera makes her 2023 debut with a five-track EP that will surely get stuck in listeners’ heads. “All In My Head” EP...
Most ten-year-olds are still trying to get a grasp on learning to better read and write, but New Zealand native Aanvi . S is wowing audiences...
By: Carly Miller Clemson, SC (We Speak Media) 06/03/2023 – Liv Hanna‘s back and better than ever with her new song, “Back To Hell.” “Back To...
By: Henry Yang Boston, MA (We Speak Media) 05/03/2023 – Prepare to be swept away into a world of vibrant colors and emotional expression as Chris...
Thanksgiving weekend is a time for family and pondering our roots. Ana Kiri returns with the perfect song for the occasion. “Beat of Freedom” is a...