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comets near me’s Debut EP “Don’t Pick the Flowers” Delivers Indie Gold



Photo by Tristan (TreeStamp) Padron

San Jose’s latest indie sensation, comets near me, have burst onto the scene with their debut EP, “Don’t Pick the Flowers,” and it’s nothing short of a revelation. Maria and Kyle, the dynamic duo behind the name, have crafted a four-track journey that’s as raw and real as it gets, straight from their backyard shed to our ears.

Starting things off with a bang, “Pedestal” is a cheeky takedown of self-righteous moralizers. With lyrics like, “You judge someone that you don’t know for things they can’t control. It must get lonely in the corner on your pedestal,” this track pulls no punches. The infectious beat and catchy guitar riffs set the stage for an EP that’s both thought-provoking and fun.

“Hallway Light” is the heart of the EP, blending introspective lyrics with a mesmerizing soundscape. Maria’s vocals, paired with twinkling bells, create an atmosphere that’s both nostalgic and eerily beautiful. The song tackles the absurdities of childhood beliefs and adult disillusionments, asking questions like, “Why were we told to believe in Santa?” It’s a contemplative piece that lingers long after the last note.

Next up is “The Last Time I Saw Him,” a melancholic ballad that tells a haunting story of a friend lost to a downward spiral. The gentle finger-picked guitar and Maria’s poignant delivery make this track a standout. It’s a stark reminder of the fragility of human connections and the pain of watching someone slip away. The lyrics, “He knows so many people but they just know his name,” hit hard with their stark realism.

Closing the EP is “Purgatory,” a track that beautifully captures the feeling of being stuck in life’s in-between moments. With lines like, “Maybe in a month, maybe in a year, I can find the strength to leave the comfort of the bed,” the song speaks to anyone who’s ever felt lost or paralyzed by indecision. The melody is both soothing and uplifting, a perfect end to a deeply introspective journey.

“Don’t Pick the Flowers” isn’t just an EP; it’s an experience. Maria and Kyle have managed to create something that’s deeply personal yet universally relatable. Their story of meeting by chance and creating music in a shed is the stuff of indie dreams, and it shines through in every note and lyric.

The EP’s title, inspired by a funny run-in with a park ranger, serves as a metaphor for the organic process of growth and self-discovery. It’s a reminder to let things unfold naturally, without rushing or forcing the outcome.

comets near me have delivered a debut that’s both fresh and timeless, capturing the essence of what it means to be young, confused, and hopeful. “Don’t Pick the Flowers” is a must-listen for anyone who appreciates music with heart, soul, and a touch of whimsy. Keep an eye on this duo – they’re just getting started, and we can’t wait to see where they go next.

We Speak Hip-Hop

Toox: The Rising Star Redefining Hip-Hop’s Sound




In the ever-evolving landscape of hip-hop, a new talent has emerged, shaking up the scene with his unique sound and undeniable passion. Meet Toox, the Brooklyn-born artist making waves in the music industry with his thought-provoking lyrics, infectious beats, and unwavering dedication.

Early Life and Musical Beginnings:

Growing up in Brooklyn, Toox was surrounded by the vibrant sounds of hip-hop, drawing inspiration from legends like Rakim and Big Daddy Kane. He began writing rhymes at just 13, honing his craft and developing a distinct voice that would soon resonate with fans.

Breakthrough and Rise to Fame:

Toox’s big break came when he featured on Miss Vicky’s “Play Too Much,” which soared to #37 on the Billboard Top 40 chart. This achievement not only solidified his position as a rising star but also opened doors to new collaborations and opportunities.

Artistic Style and Inspiration:

Toox’s music is a reflection of his experiences, thoughts, and emotions. He seamlessly blends old-school hip-hop with modern styles, creating a unique sound that sets him apart. His lyrics are both personal and relatable, addressing topics like love, life, and self-empowerment.

What’s Next for Toox?

With a growing fan base and industry recognition, Toox is poised for stardom. His upcoming projects promise to push boundaries and cement his status as a hip-hop force to be reckoned with. As he continues to create and innovate, one thing is clear – Toox is here to stay.


Toox’s journey is a testament to his passion, perseverance, and talent. From Brooklyn to the Billboard charts, he’s redefining hip-hop’s sound and inspiring a new generation of artists. Stay tuned for what’s next from this rising star – the best is yet to come.

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